These days, installing a single-hole bathroom faucet is not as easy as it sounds. It requires some knowledge of how the faucet works and the steps to follow for a successful installation. Here's how to install a single hole bathroom faucet.
Preparing for installation
This is one of the most important steps in installing your bathroom faucet. Preparation starts with checking the water supply to your bathroom and turning it off, then draining the system by opening the nearest tap. Find out more interesting information here on our webpage. If you want to renovate, i.e. replace your fittings, start by unscrewing the shower hose from your old equipment. A spanner is normally sufficient for this. Then loosen the nuts of the tap. You will then see the fittings on which you will install your new tap.
Preparing the fittings
At this stage of the installation, it will be necessary to carry out a blank assembly before everything is assembled in a tight and functional manner. The purpose of this pre-assembly is to check the correct assembly of your equipment and to refine your settings. You will then have a general idea of the result of your bathroom faucet installation. Before you start screwing on the eccentric fittings, you should check the centre-to-centre distance of the fittings and check their alignment with the ends of the valve screw. Use a tape measure for the measurements. You should then check whether the fittings are perfectly aligned horizontally.
Bathroom tap fitting
Once the fittings are in place, you can now proceed with the actual installation of your bathtub faucet. For this final assembly, start by sealing the eccentric connections with Teflon. Position your fittings so that they can more easily return to their original position. Don't forget to check the centre distance and horizontality. If everything is correct, you can then make a silicone seal around the fittings before screwing on the roses and valves. For this operation, you must ensure that all the seals are present. Finally, tighten everything with the flat spanners and check again if your assembly is perfectly horizontal.
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